Feeding schedule
To describe a feeding schedule, it is necessary to specify the names of the feeds, input the rules that determine when the feeds are used and enter details of restricted feeding if desired.
The feeding schedule allows a mixture of ‘days to feed’, or ‘amount to feed’ for each feed in the schedule. Choose days or amount in the Type column, and enter either the number of days to feed the feed (partial days may be entered) or the amount of the feed per bird to be consumed before the feed is changed.
The last feed will be fed until the end of the simulation. There is thus no limit to the amount of the feed offered during the final period.
Restricted feeding
Controlled feeding on individual days can be specified by choosing either % Ad lib or Amount from the toolbar at the top of the feeding schedule.
Clicking on the Edit Restrictions button opens a window showing a histogram with restricted feeding values for each day. A different colour is used for each feed in the schedule. In the case of % Ad Lib restriction, the bars have a maximum value of 100%. If restriction is by amount fed, then set intake for a particular day to a high value to represent unlimited intake.
See Editing a histogram.
Blended feeds
A blend of two feeds may be used in place of a single feed. See Daily Blend %.