Results Tables
Tabs are used to separate the three types of variables, namely those showing Actual growth data, Potential growth data and Amino acid requirements.
Economics Summary Report
To generate a report showing the economic analysis of growth for each partial crop in Excel, select a solution, and click on the Reports tab on the right.
Summary Reports by Time, Weight or Feed
Summary reports by time, weight or feed, available under the Summary Reports tab, are presented in Excel enabling further editing and manipulation of data.
Viewing a Graph
EFG Broiler Model results displayed in graphical form include some or all of the following features: crosshairs, legend, zooming in and out and scrolling.
Actual Growth Data
Glossary of actual male and female growth data that include Day, %male, Restricted, Indices, Meat, Energy and Body Chemistry, to name a few.
Report Basics
All reports generated in Microsoft Excel are opened automatically by the model. Generated reports may be edited, saved, e-mailed or printed as desired.
Potential Growth Data
Potential growth details of the broiler are calculated at the same time as the actual growth is simulated and is displayed in a number of tables.
Component Graphs
Any number of graphs may be drawn under the Components Graphs tab, with the restriction that only two different units are plotted on a graph.
Amino Acid Requirements
Amino acid requirements are calculated in the simulation model as a function of the amount required for maintenance & growth of feather/non-feather components.