Data in a table may be sorted by simply clicking on the column heading on which the data should be sorted. To sort in descending order, click on the column heading a second time. A small triangle is shown in the column header that is sorted. In the example below, the nutrients in a feed are sorted by nutrient name.
Many tables allow sorting on two columns simultaneously. To do this, click on the first column heading, then hold down the Shift-key before clicking on the second column heading. In the example below, the nutrients in the feed are sorted first by the Active column, and then on Nutrient name.
Similarly data in the tree can also be sorted by clicking on a column header. Each tree has a column called Order (or Sort Order) that can be used to set up a custom sort order. By entering either a number or alphanumeric string of up to 5 characters, you can determine the order in which items in the tree will be displayed by clicking on the Order column heading. The folders will be sorted first, and then the items in each folder, so to change the order in which the folders are displayed, also enter a sort order for folders.