In Compositions the nutrient content and the cost of a known mixture of ingredients is calculated.
A composition may be exported for use in the EFG Broiler model as a feed specification, or saved as a concentrate, which may be used in formulating a feed.
Ingredients making up the composition are highlighted (hold down CTRL to mark more than one simultaneously) and are then moved across by pressing the left-pointing arrow. The inclusion rates are then entered either as percentages or weights. The nutrient content of the mixture is given in the composition table, both on an as-is and a DM basis. Where nutrients have a digestibility, both the total and digestible nutrient contents are presented. The digestibility table used for these calculations is chosen from the list of digestibility tables available in the database.
Two options are allowed when entering the data – Autosum may be On or Off:
With autosum on, the rate of inclusion of one of the ingredients in the mixture is adjusted so that the total of all ingredient inclusions amounts to 100. The ingredient to be used for this purpose is chosen by ticking the Auto sum box adjacent to the name of that ingredient. This result is automatically saved as a composition, and may be exported as a feed specification for use in the
If autosum is off, then it is possible to produce a composition where the total of the ingredients included does not add to 100%. An example of such a mixture would be a compounded feed minus the cereal, thereby making up a concentrate. The Scale to 100% button can be used to adjust the inclusion rates to give a total of 100%. The mixture may also be saved as an ingredient (concentrate). In this case the inclusion values will be scaled to a total of 100% in the concentrate if they did not add to 100% in the composition. A dialog window gives the user the opportunity of choosing the client, the animal and the category in which this concentrate should be saved.